In 1969, Queen Charlotte's director was M. J. "Skinny" Harris. In early 1969, I was attending a convention of another organization in Charlotte. At the final evening's business meeting and formal dinner, the entertainment was Queen Charlotte Chorus. I was bored to death with the meeting and could not wait for it to be over, so when Queen Charlotte finished their performance, I said my farewells to my table mates and followed QC out the door. I joined them for the rest of the evening, as they gathered at a restaurant, to eat and sing with them. It was a wonderful evening of fun and friendship. A brand new quartet, The Honey Bee Naturals, was among those singing. Their lead, Barbara West, who was a brand new member, later went on to direct Farmington Valley in Region #1, where they won several regional championships. Mary Gravely was the bass of Honey Bee Naturals, which won the regional championship a couple of years later. Later, Mary sang bass in the regional champion Charlottones, and of course, directed Queen Charlotte some time afterward.
- Jan Seales - Pride of Kentucky Chorus
I'm proud to say that Queen Charlotte was my first chorus. I joined in March of 1970. Skinny Harris directed the chorus (wife, Nancy, was also in the chorus). Bill James was also a director, I believe after Skinny. I left when my husband was transferred to WVa in 1976, and founded the River Magic Chorus in Huntington, WVa, since there was not another chorus in the state chartered at the's still active today, all thanks to Queen Charlotte and its strong influence on me. Yes, I'm still in SA after 46 years! I sing tenor with The Woodlands Show Chorus and also Houston Horizon Chorus from Region 10 in Texas.
- Pat Fenton